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Jumat, 18 Desember 2015

Kisah Idiot Nia, Alan, Deedee selama 4tahun.

kalo Diantara kalian ada yang pernah baca post saya tentang Nama nya Zendeetha selvia soeboer, nah ini bisa jadi postingan sequel kedua setelah itu.
Biasanya dimulai dari Kisah saya yang menclak-menclok alay dari kisah "Alan siAnak Sekolahan", menjadi akhir dari kisah "Alan siAnak Kuliahan" dan lanjut ke fase selanjutnya, "Alan siPekerja Kantoran".
seru juga bisa lulus tepat waktu, wisuda gelombang pertama, dan kerja di tahun yang sama.

bisa diliat penampakan nya, Harry Potter akhirnya wisuda juga dari akademi Ninja Konoha :P

Foto Harry Potter diatas kayak yg abis juara lomba lari Estafet, atau Aming yang juara senam sekelurahan.

*Awalnya dikira ibu dekan mau ngajakin toss, tau nya disuruh salaman, yaudah nurut...*

Seneng, sekaligus sedih sebenernya bisa lulus buru-buru. (buat yang kesel, ga usah anggep gua sombong yes... anggep aja songong :p). Karena, jika kalian tau Effort yang saya keluarin buat lulus gelombang pertama tuh bukan hal yg bisa dibilang lancar selancar tol Cikunir ke arah puncak kalo lebaran, atau semulus paha Annisa Ex.Cherrybelle. Semua nya butuh Kesabaran. Ya!! KESABARAN. jadi buat kalian yang belum nyetok Sabar, coba mulai deh Stok Sabar yang banyak :p
Okay, pembicaraan ini mulai mengarah ke arah yang absurd. Tapi dari awal saya nulis ini emg absurd sih =))

Sedih, karena harus ninggalin banyak temen-temen. ninggalin disini dalam artian, berpisah. terpisah dalam jarak, dan kesempatan.

NB :
Sebenernya mereka bukan temen sekelas saya, tapi mereka kompak. hahaha
Lulus juga artinya saya harus berpisah sama 2 sahabat saya semenjak masuk kuliah, dan sama-sama harus 'terjebak' dikelas yang sama waktu tingkat 1.

And Here they'are...
*Sok INGGRYEEESSS... basa Indonesia nya mah, "Nih Penampakan nya"*

Dari Kiri-Kanan : Alan, Nia, Deedee

Foto saya diatas juga sengaja muka saya ga di-blur, karena kalo muka saya di blur, takut dikira foto buat cover DVD BO*EP. mungkin judul nya bisa, "Di_Gangb4n9_Cwo_Mirip_4FgH4n_diMall.3gp".
mereka berdua adalah sedikit nya dari sekian banyak orang yang mungkin gak ikhlas dan ga ngerasa dianggap sebagai sahabat saya. FYI : Gue serius. Contohnya aja :
Chris Evans

Robert Downey Jr

HYDE "L'arc~en~ciel"
Mereka adalah sedikitnya dari orang-orang yang saya anggap sebagai sahabat, tapi malang nasib saya, saya ga dianggap sahabat sama mereka.

aduh, kebiasaan... kalo ngebahas suka ngelantur kemana-mana...
saya temenan sama 2 orang diatas (Yang cewek ya) udah dari semejak kuliah hari pertama. dengan modus menawarkan coklat putih asal garut yang enak, saya mencoba berteman dengan mereka dengan niat kalo mereka ambil ini coklat, maka saya bisa diterima jadi teman mereka.
Dan hasil nya, coklatnya malah saya makan sendiri... karena gada yang mau coklat nya...

Tapi, emang dasar... Nia, dan Deedee dasarnya mereka tuh orang baik... jadi meski ga makan coklat dari saya, saya tetap jadi teman mereka. :)
time goes by~ masa-masa kuliah semester satu-dua kalo break istirahat selalu bareng sama mereka. kadang, kalo pulang ngampus juga suka kongkow bareng mereka. Ngobrol dari obrolan ga penting, sampe yang cuman curhat kepengen ngunyah beling *GILA, EMANG GUE DEBUS?*.

To tell you the truth,
bertiga tuh berasa kayak Naruto, sasuke, Sakura.

Deedee as Sasuke

Nia as Naruto :

Terus, Gue Sakura nya

Kenapa gue malah jadi Sakuranya?
Karena gue yang terlahir sebagai lelaki tulen dari lahir ini masih kalah macho sama 2 CEPER itu. YA! CEPER.
CEPER adalah singkatan dari CEWEK PERKASA. jadi, gue tuh berasa kayak yg paling feminim ketimbang mereka, padahal kan enggak.. ya kan?
*Sambil benerin Beha*

Temen biasa nongkrong di l*wson samping kampus, cerita norak nya gue yg di rooftop gedung 4 dan teriak KEREETAAA.... dengan histeris.
Sebenernya banyak banget cerita bareng-bareng kalian, yang gue harap bisa terus looping, tapi dunia ini berjalan maju. waktu juga berjalan tak pernah mundur. Kebersamaan kita juga terpaksa harus selesai disini.
Saya sadari ini semenjak saya memutuskan untuk tidak terus bareng-bareng kalian berdua terhitung semester 3-8.
Tentu kalian sadari ttg hal ini.

#serius: mode-on
Bukan karena alasan, saya sengaja menjauh... tapi karena saya lebih memilih untuk lebih fokus ke perkuliahan saya yang makin lama, makin berat, dan tugas yang juga semakin banyak (kala itu). Saya yang kala itu, merasa terlalu menikmati masa-masa main dimasa perkuliahan, hanya akan membuat saya semakin tertinggal dengan 'Mereka' yang serius mempersiapkan masa depan nya, dan saya tidak ingin itu terjadi.
Impact nya, saya seolah menarik diri dan meninggalkan kebersamaan kita.
Tanpa berani mengantakan hal yang sebenarnya, saya rahasiakan tentang kenyataan ini dari kalian.

Tapi persahabatan tidak akan berakhir hanya karena terpisah jarak, ya kan?

Sekarang saya kerja di industrial IT. Dunia IT itu dipenuhi orang yang itu-itu aja. Jika beruntung, mungkin kita bisa bertemu lagi suatu saat nanti, meski mungkin bukan diatas rooftop yang sama :)

Masih teringat becandaan kita semasa kuliah.
Mungkin masing-masing dari kita akan saling inget,
gue yang akan selalu kalian ingat sebagai cwo yang sering pake celana ketat.
Deedee yang akan selalu diingat sebagai cwe dengan lobang hidung seluas DarkHole.
atau, Nia yang akan selalu diingat sebagai cwe yang... hmmm pernah dibegoin 4tahun =))
*penulis nulis ini sambil ketawa. sorry Un*

Meski kita memilih jalan kita masing-masing mulai sekarang. Tapi gue pengen kalian tau, sahabat kayak kalian itu enggak ada dua nya di kehidupan gua. Terima kasih udah nemenin sepanjang masa-masa kuliah. Lebih lagi, Terima kasih udah jadi sahabat gua :)


Muhamad Alan Ardandy

Selasa, 30 Juni 2015





Selasa, 16 Juni 2015

the most interesting event in my life

Life is full of strange happenings. They seem very often to arise from very trifling causes. But so long as we do not know the causes, they seem to be most exceptional. They become very exciting. Life becomes interesting because of such things. They are very welcome because they break the boredom of life. Holidays, for example, are welcome changes in our routine of daily life. The arrival of relatives is also very exciting, specially when they come unexpectedly. A thunderstorm during summer can also very exciting. Quarrels of our neighbours give us some thrill, and when they make up their differences and become friends, they give us delight, Sudden fires are also very exciting though, of course, they are not at all welcome. The visit of great men to our town or school is a red-letter day in our life. Such incidents are happening very often and they give us variety of experience. They sweeten life and add to our experience. A very interesting thing happened to me when I was a small lad. I have regarded it as the most exciting event in my life so far. It was a very strange and fearful event when it happened. It ended as a joke, though. But when it took place, it upset and terrified me beyond description. Let me describe it in a right way.

It thappened one night. I was sleeping with my elder brother in one room of our house. Mother and sisters were sleeping in other ooms. Father was not present. At about midnight I woke up as I heard some kind of sound coming from the kitchen of our house. I was, truly speaking, afraid. It so happened that there were several thieves in our neighbourhood in the past few weeks. Every one was dlert and apprehensive. I was old enough to imagine all sorts of obberies. I always imagined that big, black men would break into the house, beat us and run away with all our belongings. This was a (instant fear with me in those days. We had no servants in our house, mid father was out of station.

Naturally, under such circumstances, any sound• at night was cnough to terrify me. This sound, as I said, came from the kitchen, which was in the backyard of our house. It was a very strange sound. It sounded like some one opening the kitchen door. This door was made ()I tin set in a wooden frame. It used to make much sound whenever it was opened or was being shut. So I began to suspect that thieves had (Altered into our backyard, and that they were forcing the door open. I lie sound became more and insistent. I was, however, so terribly 11 ightened that I was not even able to cry or speak. And the sound went on increasing. It seemed to me that the thieves were inside the Is a ellen and that they were removing our pots and pans. There were ,ilso several tin boxes in which mother kept all the sweetmeats and other eatables. I was in a fix. I was more anxious about the loss of ..weetmeat than about other things. I did not know what to do. I kept liernbling in the bed.

However, the sound became so deafening that my brother dlso wokeup. Mother also woke up and we then began to shout for help. We were all certain that thieves were there. We kept on crying .ind shouting and yelling. We drowned the sound of the kitchen in our nWIl shouts. The combined sound of our voices and that coming from the kitchen became very great indeed. It was enough to awake even haf people. It was a very exciting affair.

Our neighbours were alarmed and they came out to our house. They had gathered in our compound and were asking us to dpen the door. They kept on shouting and thumping on the door of house. They thus added their own voice to that of ours.

Selasa, 05 Mei 2015

The most Favorite thing

Dragonball is my favorite thing. In my humble opinion Songoku (The Main character of this series) is representation of "Effort power" that can surpass anything. I don't know how many times Goku should to deal with opponent who even God can't handle. Songoku is my body building inspiration too. Look at his muscle, is that real? hahaha absolutely no. goku is just character of an anime. But his spirit, and kindness reach me. I'm sure I'm not the only one here. Because, I see soooooo many fans outthere who Idolized with goku.

Dragonball new saga will be out on July 2015. I'm soooooo excited. after all 18 years. Dragonball will release a new saga, "Dragonball Super". it means I'll see Goku new adventure.

We all know, Dragonball is one of the idea for other mangaka to create story for their manga. Let say, Naruto, Onepiece, Gintama, etc. their Story similar with Dragonball. yeah, we know, Dragonball will be the best anime ever. no one will not be know of dragonball. Akira toriyama is not just make great job, but He make Legend.

Thanks to you Akira toriyama. Thanks for your masterpiece.
Thanks to you, for making our childhood awesome....

Selasa, 07 April 2015

how to make indonesian chicken satay

2 pounds boneless chicken breast
Thirty-two 12-inch bamboo skewers

4 teaspoons coriander seeds
4 teaspoons cumin seeds
4 garlic cloves, finely minced
¼ cup brown sugar
¼ cup fish sauce
¾ cup tamarind paste
¼ cup peanut oil

½ cup fine peanut oil
½ cup raw peanuts
2 fresh serrano or fresno chilies
1 tablespoon chopped fresh ginger
4 garlic cloves
½ cup rich unsweetened coconut milk
1 teaspoon dark soy sauce
1 tablespoon fish sauce
1 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
1 teaspoon kosher salt
½ cup chopped fresh cilantro leaves
Cut approximately 1-ounce slices of meat in flat pieces (approximately 3 ¾ inches long) and thread onto a skewer (you will have about 32 satays).
In a small skillet, toast the spices until fragrant, then grind to a coarse powder in a spice grinder. Mix the spices with the garlic, brown sugar, fish sauce, tamarind paste and peanut oil. Arrange the skewers in a shallow pan or dish and pour the marinade over the meat, turning from time to time, for thirty minutes to an hour.

To make the dipping sauce, heat the peanut oil in a small pot until nearly smoking, turn off the heat and immediately add the peanuts. They should cook to a light golden color in three to five minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon to a food processor or blender, along with a tablespoon of the cooking oil, reserving the rest. Grind to a rough paste, then add the chilies, ginger and garlic, and continue to blend. Add the remaining ingredients, except the cilantro, and blend until smooth. Remove to a small mixing bowl and stir in the cilantro leaves along with half of the reserved oil or more. Transfer to appropriate dipping sauces.

Grill the satays about a minute on each side—do not overcook—and serve with the dipping sauce.

NOTE: To make the tamarind paste, in a small pot cook half an 8-ounce package of tamarind pulp with one cup of water until it softens. Pour the mixture into a strainer and rub te pulp through as best you can, leaving behind the seeds and the strings of the pod. The result will be a brown paste, ¾ of a cup of which you will need for the marinade.

Definition of GRAMMAR

Grammar is the system of a language. People sometimes describe grammar as the "rules" of a language; but in fact no language has rules*. If we use the word "rules", we suggest that somebody created the rules first and then spoke the language, like a new game. But languages did not start like that. Languages started by people making sounds which evolved into words, phrases and sentences. No commonly-spoken language is fixed. All languages change over time. What we call "grammar" is simply a reflection of a language at a particular time.

Do we need to study grammar to learn a language? The short answer is "no". Very many people in the world speak their own, native language without having studied its grammar. Children start to speak before they even know the word "grammar". But if you are serious about learning a foreign language, the long answer is "yes, grammar can help you to learn a language more quickly and more efficiently." It's important to think of grammar as something that can help you, like a friend. When you understand the grammar (or system) of a language, you can understand many things yourself, without having to ask a teacher or look in a book.

So think of grammar as something good, something positive, something that you can use to find your way - like a signpost or a map.

* Except invented languages like Esperanto. And if Esperanto were widely spoken, its rules would soon be very different.